Migration Guide

From Hexo to Hugo

  1. Setup Hugo site with menu and theme etc.

    1. Create site

      1hugo new site . --force
    2. Add theme link

    3. Configure _config.toml as per theme specs

      1. Add Menus / Links / Social links
      2. Change author name
  2. Page migration

  3. Post Migration

  4. Copy <hexo_site>/source/_posts/* to <hugo_site>/content/posts

    1. Delete all the non Markdown files

      1cd $SITE_ROOT/content/posts
      2find . -type f | grep -v .md\$ --color=never | xargs rm
  5. Copy <hexo_site>/source/_posts/* to <hugo_site>/static

    1. Delete all the Markdown files

      1cd $SITE_ROOT/static
      2find . -type f | grep -v .md --color=never | xargs rm
  6. Change _config.toml

    1. Permalink

      2posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:title/"
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