Fun With Sensors' Data
I presented about IoT sensor data at the recently concluded Distribute SQL Summit - Asia 2022 (DSS Asia 2022). IoT data is unique in some sense, so I started learning about its lifecycle. Its fascinating! imagine millions of machine coming together and talking to each other to support our daily lives. In many ways they substitute human senses. I have only scratched the surface though.I'm excited to share my learnings for IoT and Distriuted DB. Do join me - Fun with Sensors at Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2022 @yugabyte #DSSAsia22 @sched
— Yogendra Rampuria - Yogi 🐻 (@yogendra) March 21, 2022
Starting in this space like, most of the tech spaces, can be complicated. So, I presented about my learnings and seeking feedback from fellow "travelers".
Here is a full video of my session (link). Deck and Code for the presentation is over at github. Please provide your comments on this post, twitter, etc. I am also playing with ESP32, Pico PIs currently so I guess there is a good chance of an update on this.
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